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HomeTECHNOLOGY TIPSHow to activate the End Task feature on the Taskbar 2024

How to activate the End Task feature on the Taskbar 2024

When an application on Windows is unresponsive, we will often select End Task to force close the application and restart. Previously, the only way to end a task was through Task Manager. However, in Windows 11, you can now add an ‘End Task’ button directly to the Taskbar.

1. What is the difference between Close Window and End Task?

– Close Window only turns off the program’s interface, while the program still operates in the background.
– End Task will stop all program activities, from the interface to background processes.

For example, when you are using a browser and have multiple tabs open, clicking the Close button in the top right corner of a tab only closes that tab, while the browser continues to operate in the background. However, when you select End Task from Task Manager or the Taskbar, the browser will be completely closed. This is usually done when the program is unresponsive and cannot be closed normally.

2. Enable the End Task feature on the Taskbar?

Method 1: Through Settings

Step 1: Open the Settings application (press Windows + I)

Step 2: Select System > ‘For developers’

Step 3: Turn on activation in the ‘End Task’ section.

Now, when you right-click on the icon of a running application from the Taskbar, you will see the End Task option in the context menu. Use it to force close any app if it becomes unresponsive.

Method 2: Through Registry Editor

Step 1: Open the Run application by pressing Windows + R

Step 2: Type regedit > Press Enter to open the Registry Editor window.

Step 3: Paste the following address > Press Enter:


Step 4: Double click on DWORD ‘TaskbarEndTask’ in the right pane.

Step 5: Change the value in Value data to 1 and click ‘OK’.

Step 6: Restart the computer to apply the changes.

3. Epilogue

Enabling the End Task feature on the Taskbar makes it easy to conveniently close unresponsive applications. This enhances flexibility and efficiency in task management, providing the best computing experience for users.

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