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HomeTECHNOLOGY TIPSInstructions for uploading files to Google Drive using extension 2024

Instructions for uploading files to Google Drive using extension 2024

Google Drive is a popular cloud storage service that helps you store and manage documents easily. With the “Upload to Google Drive” extension, you can quickly upload files to Google Drive right from your browser.

1. Instructions for uploading files to Google Drive using the Extension

Step 1: Add the ‘Upload to Google Drive’ extension to the Chrome browser by following the link HERE

Step 2: Open the extension and sign in with your Google account, then grant the extension access to use Google Drive functions.

Step 3: Use drag and drop or select files from your computer to upload to Google Drive. You can also paste the direct link of the file into the widget.

Step 4: Uploaded files will be automatically saved in the “Uploads” folder created by the extension. You can search and manage them in your Google Drive.

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