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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Instructions to get someone else’s IP by Email, QR Code, Word File, Excel, PDF,…

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How to track anyone’s IP using Canarytokens is a skill you should know if you are interested in cybersecurity. IP is the unique network address of each device connected to the internet, it can reveal a lot of information about the user such as location, operating system, browser, service provider, and even domain name. By monitoring IP, you can detect suspicious activity, prevent attacks, or protect your data.

1. How to track anyone’s IP using Canarytokens

Step 1: Visit the website canarytokens.org and select the type of Canarytoken you want.

Step 2: Enter email to receive notifications > Paste the URL link

Like creating a secret link that will trigger an alarm if someone interacts with it. In this article, I will use Fast redirect as an example.

Step 3: You then place the generated Canarytoken link in an email, a document, or even an embedded image and send it to the target.

If the target visits a URL/File, as in the example above, the token will be fired and sent via email or webhook as below:

3. Epilogue

The above How to track anyone’s IP using Canarytokens is a simple and effective method. You can collect valuable information about the target, such as IP, time, device, etc.

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